Frequently Asked Questions

Not sure about something? Check out our list of frequently asked questions below.

How much does it cost?

There are a number of different unit sizes, all priced differently.  Upon move in, a minimum of 2 weeks storage  is paid– NO additional bond or deposit is required. View rates and sizes to see prices or call our managers on 5524 4477 for further information on unit sizes and rates.

What size unit do I need?

Refer to the space calculator to  assist you in determining what size unit you need.

Is there a minimum storage period?

No, there is no lock in contract, you just need to provide 7 days notice prior to moving out.

How secure are the units?

High security with mangers who live on site. Flood lights, security gates and perimeter fencing.

How do I locate Tweed Mini?

Tweed Mini is located  at 30 Machinery Drive (off Minjungbal Drive)   in the Tweed Heads South Industrial area. Get directions

Who has access to the unit?

You control access to the unit.  You provide the padlock and you keep the key.

What times can I access my unit?

You can access your unit 7 days a week from 6am to 6pm, including public holidays.  Arrangements can be made with onsite managers if access is needed outside of these hours.

Where can I buy packaging supplies?

A range of packaging supplies are available at our on site office.  You can also place an order for  your packaging needs on line via our website.

Packing your goods

Packing your items properly to begin with will save you time and ensure your goods are maintained in the best possible condition.

Make use of the specialist packaging materials available at our office.

  • Empty wardrobes, drawers before moving them, otherwise you can break them. Only fill them when they are in place and fully assembled.
  • Clothing and personal goods should be packed in strong secure cartons.
  • Cushions should be wrapped in plastic.
  • Where possible remove the legs from items of furniture e.g.. bed bases, tables etc. to avoid damage and save space.
  • Vacuum food crumbs from lounges to prevent attracting vermin.
  • Furniture shouldn’t be placed directly on the floor, use plastic or material to cushion heavy items.
  • Stack chairs seat to seat with cloth or paper separating them.
  • Place a cover over all furniture, especially sofa’s, recliners and anything of value.
  • Make sure all white goods (fridges, freezers etc) are empty, clean and dry before storing.
  • Leave doors slightly ajar to prevent mould build up.
  • A deodoriser placed inside fridges or freezers is also a good idea to maintain freshness.
  • If you pack items inside your fridges and freezers you scratch the insides or damage the shelving, best to leave them empty.
  • Wrap all breakable items separately in tissue or packing paper, box and ensure they are marked “Fragile”.
  • Pack breakables in sturdy boxes.
  • Protect fragile items by wrapping them individually in packing paper (newsprint can be very messy and possibly stain).
  • Place packing in the top and bottom of cartons for added protection.
  • Place plates, saucers and bowls on their sides to prevent any breakage.
  • Empty space should be filled with packing paper.
  • Ensure you haven’t stacked heavy items on top of cartons containing breakables.
  • Pictures and mirrors should be wrapped in cardboard or proper picture/mirror cartons.
  • Place those items that you need to access often in the front of the unit.
  • Leave a small space around the perimeter of your storage unit to aid circulation.
  • Look Up!, Utilise all of the space available to you, including the height.
  • Stack the lighter boxes on top of the heavier boxes.
  • Don’t over-pack cartons or they will be too hard to lift.
  • If tables won’t disassemble, place a mat or protective plastic on the ground and lay the tabletop face down on the floor with the legs pointing up.
  • Cover stuffed furniture with cardboard, blankets or plastic covers to protect against dust.
  • Don’t place heavy or sharp objects on top of upholstered furniture.
  • Never lay paintings or mirrors flat. Ensure they are wrapped or placed in proper picture/mirror cartons.
  • TO ENSURE SAFE STORAGE: Do not store anything COMBUSTIBLE (i.e. paint thinner, gasoline, solvents, paint, etc.).
  • Do not store any living things (including plants), or perishable goods (especially foodstuffs).
  • Empty petrol from mowers, whipper snippers, etc.
  • Ensure gas bottles are empty and BBQ or cooking surfaces are clean.
  • The original boxes are ideal to repack in.
  • If the original boxes are not available talk to your self storage centre about specialty boxes for electronic items.
  • Ensure all electronic equipment is clean and dry before storing.
  • Ensure that items above or on top of electronic equipment will not fall down or damage the surfaces.
  • If storing a refrigerator or freezer, be sure that the item is thoroughly dry and clean to prevent moisture and mildew from damaging any of your valuables. Store with the door slightly ajar.
  • You should not store  any Goods that are hazardous, illegal, stolen, inflammable, explosive, environmentally harmful, perishable or that are a risk to the property of any person.  This includes items like petrol tins, paint thinner, full gas bottles or chlorine.
  • You should not store  any Goods that are hazardous, illegal, stolen, inflammable, explosive, environmentally harmful, perishable or that are a risk to the property of any person.  This includes items like petrol tins, paint thinner, full gas bottles or chlorine.

Compare our Rates and Sizes

We cater for all storage needs, our rates & sizes comparison helps distinguish the right storage unit for you.

Rates & Sizes